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Wei Jiang: A Professor of Management Science Driving Innovation at Antai College

In today’s dynamic business environment, management science plays a vital role in driving success and informed decision-making. At Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Professor Wei Jiang stands out as a distinguished expert in the field of management science. This article explores Wei Jiang’s expertise, research contributions, and his significant role as a professor of management science at Antai College.

Research Interests and Contributions

Wei Jiang studies big data and business analytics, data quality and risk management, logistics, and supply chain management. His many refereed journal articles demonstrate his field contributions. These works have improved management science and changed corporate practices and strategy globally.

Expertise in Management Science

Management science expert Wei Jiang understands modern business difficulties, making her expertise useful. He tackles complicated managerial issues with novel research methods. His theoretical advances support organizational performance and sustainability through effective strategies, decision-making frameworks, and operational models.

Role as a Professor of Management Science

As a professor of management science at Antai College, Wei Jiang plays a crucial role in shaping the academic community. He is actively involved in teaching and mentoring students, cultivating their intellectual curiosity, and fostering an environment of innovation. Through his guidance and expertise, he equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the dynamic field of management science.

Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics

Additionally, Wei Jiang serves as an Associate Editor for Naval Research Logistics, further exemplifying his influential role in the field. As an Associate Editor, he contributes to the editorial process, engaging in rigorous peer review and ensuring the dissemination of high-quality research. Through this involvement, he continues to shape the research agenda and drive the advancement of knowledge in management science.


Management science expert Wei Jiang at Antai College helps solve modern business problems. His research, teaching, and mentorship make him influential in academia. Students, researchers, and industry professionals are encouraged to use Wei Jiang’s management science expertise at Antai College. By following his advice, people can improve their decision-making and innovate.

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