Product News

Understanding the C14 Breath Test for H. Pylori with Headway

Detecting Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infections is essential for maintaining digestive health. The C14 breath test for H. pylori offered by Headway provides a simple yet effective method for individuals to assess their health. This innovative testing approach emphasizes convenience and accuracy, making it easier for people to understand their digestive issues.

The Safety of Urea in the C14 UBT Test Kit

One of the key components of the H. pylori C14 breath test kit is the urea capsule. This capsule is considered safe, with 65% of the urea excreted through urine and feces within 24 hours. This swift elimination process ensures minimal retention in the body, allowing individuals to undergo testing with confidence. The safety and efficiency of the C14 urea capsule make it a preferred choice for those concerned about H. pylori infections.

Simple Testing Steps

Utilizing the C14 breath test for H. pylori is an uncomplicated procedure that typically takes only a few minutes. The process begins with patients ingesting a labeled urea capsule. Shortly after, they provide a breath sample, which is then analyzed for the presence of radioactive carbon dioxide. This straightforward method eliminates the complexity often associated with medical testing, empowering individuals to take charge of their health.

Quantifying H. Pylori Infections

An essential feature of the H. pylori C14 breath test kit is its ability to quantify the degree of infection. By measuring the amount of radioactive carbon dioxide in the breath, healthcare providers can assess the severity of an H. pylori infection. This quantitative analysis helps in tailoring appropriate treatment plans, ensuring that individuals receive the care they need.


The C14 breath test for H. pylori by Headway stands out for its safety, simplicity, and effectiveness. With a focus on user-friendly procedures and accurate results, this testing kit empowers individuals to gain insights into their digestive health. By choosing the H. pylori C14 breath test kit, they take a proactive step towards understanding and addressing their health concerns. Embrace this innovative approach to H. pylori detection and prioritize your digestive well-being.

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